Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools / Calendar (2024)


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'); $(document).on('click', function() { $('#calendar-event-overlay').remove(); }); $('#calendar-event-overlay').css({ 'left': ($this.offset().left - ($('#calendar-event-overlay').outerWidth() / 2) + ($this.outerWidth() / 2)) + 'px', 'top': ($this.offset().top - $('#calendar-event-overlay').outerHeight() - 18) + 'px' }).bind('mouseleave', function() { $(this).remove(); });} function EditMyEventRegistration(eventDateID, userRegID) { //LoadEventRegistrationEdit(userRegID); LoadEventDetail(eventDateID, userRegID, true) } function RemoveMyEventRegistration(userRegID,EventDateID) { //var data = "{userRegID:" + userRegID + ", EventDateID:" + EventDateID + "}"; swalert('Are you sure you want to remove this registration?','Remove Registration','critical','yesno',YesRemoveMyEventRegistration,'','',{userRegID:userRegID,EventDateID:EventDateID}); } function YesRemoveMyEventRegistration(userData) { var data = "{UserRegistrationID: " + userData.userRegID + ", EventDateID: " + userData.EventDateID + "}"; var StartDate; var EndDate; if ($('#myeventslist-txt-startdate').val() == '') { StartDate = '1/1/1900'; } else { StartDate = $('#myeventslist-txt-startdate').val(); } if ($('#myeventslist-txt-enddate').val() == '') { EndDate = '1/1/1900'; } else { EndDate = $('#myeventslist-txt-enddate').val(); } if (StartDate != '1/1/1900') { StartDate += ' 0:00:00'; } if (EndDate != '1/1/1900') { EndDate += ' 23:59:59'; } var success = 'GetContent("' + StartDate + '&EndDate=' + EndDate + '", "myeventslist-pnl-detail", 2, ""); ShowNotification("Success! You have deleted your registration for this event.");'; var failure = 'CallControllerFailure(result[0].errormessage);'; CallController("", data, success, failure); } function LoadEventListView(ModuleInstanceID, Month, Year) {$('#calendarview-toggle a').removeClass('active');$('#calendarview-toggle a.list').addClass('active'); var itemid = $('#calendarlist-month').val(); var gotoDate = new Date($('#calendarlist-year').val(), (itemid - 1), 1); $('#calendar-pnl-title h1').text(gotoDate.toLocaleString("en-us", { month: "long" }) + ' ' + $('#calendarlist-year').val()); $('#calendarlist-pnl-specialview').removeClass('ui-helper-hidden'); $('#calendar').addClass('ui-helper-hidden'); Month = $('#calendarlist-month').val(); Year = $('#calendarlist-year').val(); GetContent("" + ModuleInstanceID + "&Month=" + Month + "&Year=" + Year, "calendarlist-pnl-specialview", 2, ''); } function ChangeMonth() { var itemid = $('#calendarlist-month').val(); $('#calendar').find('td.fc-active-day').removeClass('fc-active-day'); var gotoDate = new Date($('#calendarlist-year').val(), (itemid - 1), 1); $('#calendar').fullCalendar('gotoDate', gotoDate); if (!$('#calendarlist-pnl-specialview').hasClass('ui-helper-hidden')) { LoadEventListView(1, $('#calendar').fullCalendar('getmonth'), $('#calendar').fullCalendar('getyear')); } if ($('#calendar-pnl-smcalendar').is(':visible')) { $('#small-calendar-1').datepicker('setDate', new Date($('#calendarlist-year').val(), parseInt($('#calendarlist-month').val()-1))); } ChangeYearDropDown($('#calendarlist-year').val()); // remove table header for ADA compliance // add tabindex for table cells fixADA(); } function ChangeYear(itemid) { var itemid = $('#calendarlist-year').val(); $('#calendar').find('td.fc-active-day').removeClass('fc-active-day'); var gotoDate = new Date(itemid, ($('#calendarlist-month').val() - 1), 1); $('#calendar').fullCalendar('gotoDate', gotoDate); if (!$('#calendarlist-pnl-specialview').hasClass('ui-helper-hidden')) { LoadEventListView(1, $('#calendar').fullCalendar('getmonth'), $('#calendar').fullCalendar('getyear')); } if ($('#calendar-pnl-smcalendar').is(':visible')) { $('#small-calendar-1').datepicker('setDate', new Date($('#calendarlist-year').val(), parseInt($('#calendarlist-month').val()-1))); } ChangeYearDropDown($('#calendarlist-year').val()); // remove table header for ADA compliance // add tabindex for table cells fixADA(); } function GoToNext() { $('#calendar').find('td.fc-active-day').removeClass('fc-active-day'); $('#calendar').fullCalendar('next'); if (!$('#calendarlist-pnl-specialview').hasClass('ui-helper-hidden')) { var month = parseInt($('#calendarlist-month').val()) + 1; var year = parseInt($('#calendarlist-year').val()); if (month > 12) { month = 1; year = year + 1; } $('#calendarlist-month').val(month).change(); ChangeYearDropDown(year); $('#calendarlist-year').val(year).change(); if (!$('#calendarlist-pnl-specialview').hasClass('ui-helper-hidden')) { LoadEventListView(1, $('#calendar').fullCalendar('getmonth'), $('#calendar').fullCalendar('getyear')); } if ($('#calendar-pnl-smcalendar').is(':visible')) {$('#small-calendar-1').datepicker('setDate', new Date($('#calendarlist-year').val(), parseInt($('#calendarlist-month').val())-1));} } // remove table header for ADA compliance // add tabindex for table cells fixADA(); } function GoToPrevious() { $('#calendar').find('td.fc-active-day').removeClass('fc-active-day'); $('#calendar').fullCalendar('prev'); if (!$('#calendarlist-pnl-specialview').hasClass('ui-helper-hidden')) { var month = $('#calendarlist-month').val() - 1; var year = $('#calendarlist-year').val(); if (month < 1) { month = 12; year = year - 1; } $('#calendarlist-month').val(month).change(); ChangeYearDropDown(year); $('#calendarlist-year').val(year).change(); if (!$('#calendarlist-pnl-specialview').hasClass('ui-helper-hidden')) { LoadEventListView(1, $('#calendar').fullCalendar('getmonth'), $('#calendar').fullCalendar('getyear')); } if ($('#calendar-pnl-smcalendar').is(':visible')) {$('#small-calendar-1').datepicker('setDate', new Date($('#calendarlist-year').val(), parseInt($('#calendarlist-month').val())-1));} } // remove table header for ADA compliance // add tabindex for table cells fixADA(); } function GoToToday() { $('#calendar').find('td.fc-active-day').removeClass('fc-active-day'); $('#calendar').fullCalendar('today'); if (!$('#calendarlist-pnl-specialview').hasClass('ui-helper-hidden')) { LoadEventListView(1, $('#calendar').fullCalendar('getmonth'), $('#calendar').fullCalendar('getyear')); } // remove table header for ADA compliance // add tabindex for table cells fixADA(); } function LoadEventPrint() { var view = $('#calendar').fullCalendar('getView'); view =;/*var month = $('#calendar').fullCalendar('getmonth');var date = $('#calendar').fullCalendar('getdate');var year = $('#calendar').fullCalendar('getyear');*/ var date = $('#calendar').fullCalendar('getDate'); var month = $.fullCalendar.formatDate(date, 'M'); var day = $.fullCalendar.formatDate(date, 'd'); var year = $.fullCalendar.formatDate(date, 'yyyy'); month = month - 1;if (!$('#calendarlist-pnl-specialview').hasClass('ui-helper-hidden')) {view = "list";month = $('#calendarlist-month').val() - 1; year = $('#calendarlist-year').val();} OpenWindow('' + day + '&Month=' + month + '&Year=' + year + '&View=' + view, 'PrintCalendar', 'width=' + (screen.width - 100) + ',height=' + (screen.height - 100) + ',menubar=yes,scrollbars=yes,top=0,left=0,resizable=yes'); } function ToggleEventListDetail() { if ($('#eventlist-chk-toggledetail').is(':checked')) { $('.ui-eventlistview-detail').removeClass('ui-helper-hidden'); } else { $('.ui-eventlistview-detail').addClass('ui-helper-hidden'); } } function LoadEventExportByDateRange() { OpenDialogOverlay("WindowMediumModal", { LoadType: "U", LoadURL: "" }); } function EventDetailExportByDateRange() { var eventDate = new Date($('#eventexport-txt-startdate').val()); var endDate = new Date($('#eventexport-txt-enddate').val()); if (endDate < eventDate) { swalert('The start date must come before the end date.', 'Attention', 'warning', 'ok'); return false; } document.location.href = "" + $('#eventexport-txt-startdate').val() + "&EndDate=" + $('#eventexport-txt-enddate').val(); CloseDialogOverlay('WindowMediumModal'); } function getFullMonth(monthValue) { monthValue = parseInt(monthValue); var fullMonth = ""; switch(monthValue) { case 1: fullMonth = "January"; break; case 2: fullMonth = "February"; break; case 3: fullMonth = "March"; break; case 4: fullMonth = "April"; break; case 5: fullMonth = "May"; break; case 6: fullMonth = "June"; break; case 7: fullMonth = "July"; break; case 8: fullMonth = "August"; break; case 9: fullMonth = "September"; break; case 10: fullMonth = "October"; break; case 11: fullMonth = "November"; break; case 12: fullMonth = "December"; break; } return fullMonth; } function SearchMyEvents() { var StartDate; var EndDate; if ($('#myeventslist-txt-startdate').val() == '') { StartDate = '1/1/1900'; } else { StartDate = $('#myeventslist-txt-startdate').val(); } if ($('#myeventslist-txt-enddate').val() == '') { EndDate = '1/1/1900'; } else { EndDate = $('#myeventslist-txt-enddate').val(); } if ((StartDate != '1/1/1900') && (EndDate != '1/1/1900')) { if (new Date(StartDate) > new Date(EndDate)) { swalert('The start date must come before the end date.', 'Attention', 'warning', 'ok', '', '', ''); return false; } } else if ((EndDate != '1/1/1900') && (StartDate == '1/1/1900')) { var CurrentDate = new Date(); StartDate = (parseInt(CurrentDate.getMonth()) + 1) + "/" + CurrentDate.getDate() + "/" + CurrentDate.getFullYear(); if (new Date(StartDate) > new Date(EndDate)) { swalert('The end date must come after the current date.', 'Attention', 'warning', 'ok', '', '', ''); return false; } } if (StartDate != '1/1/1900') { StartDate += ' 0:00:00'; } if (EndDate != '1/1/1900') { EndDate += ' 23:59:59'; } GetContent("" + StartDate + "&EndDate=" + EndDate, "myeventslist-pnl-detail", 2, ''); } function RefreshCalendarFilter() { if ($('#calendar-pnl-calendarfilter-closed').is(':visible')) { GetContent("" + "1" + "&Expanded=" + false, "calendar-pnl-calendarfilter-closed", 2); } else { GetContent("" + "1" + "&Expanded=" + true, "calendar-pnl-calendarfilter-open", 2); } } function ToggleCalendarFilter(expanded) { if (expanded === undefined) { expanded = $('#calendar-pnl-calendarfilter-closed').is(':visible'); } if (expanded === true) { var callback = "$('#calendar-pnl-calendarfilter-closed').fadeOut('fast',function() { $('#calendar-pnl-calendarfilter-open').fadeIn('fast');});"; GetContent("" + "1" + "&Expanded=" + true, "calendar-pnl-calendarfilter-open", 3, callback); } else { var callback = "$('#calendar-pnl-calendarfilter-open').fadeOut('fast',function() { $('#calendar-pnl-calendarfilter-closed').fadeIn('fast');});"; GetContent("" + "1" + "&Expanded=" + false, "calendar-pnl-calendarfilter-closed", 3, callback); } } function OpenCalendarFilter() { OpenDialogOverlay("WindowLargeModal", { LoadType: "U", LoadURL: "" }); } function RefreshCategoryFilter() { if ($('#calendar-pnl-categoryfilter-closed').is(':visible')) { GetContent("" + "1" + "&Expanded=" + false, "calendar-pnl-categoryfilter-closed", 2); } else { GetContent("" + "1" + "&Expanded=" + true, "calendar-pnl-categoryfilter-open", 2); } } function ToggleCategoryFilter(expanded) { if (expanded === undefined) { expanded = $('#calendar-pnl-categoryfilter-closed').is(':visible'); } if (expanded === true) { var callback = "$('#calendar-pnl-categoryfilter-closed').fadeOut('fast',function() { $('#calendar-pnl-categoryfilter-open').fadeIn('fast');});"; GetContent("" + "1" + "&Expanded=" + true, "calendar-pnl-categoryfilter-open", 3, callback); } else { var callback = "$('#calendar-pnl-categoryfilter-open').fadeOut('fast',function() { $('#calendar-pnl-categoryfilter-closed').fadeIn('fast');});"; GetContent("" + "1" + "&Expanded=" + false, "calendar-pnl-categoryfilter-closed", 3, callback); } } function OpenCategoryFilter() { OpenDialogOverlay("WindowLargeModal", { LoadType: "U", LoadURL: "" }); } function RemoveCalendarFilter(ModuleInstanceID) { $('#calendarfilter-ul-list li[itemid=' + ModuleInstanceID + ']').remove(); var strCalendarFilter = GetCookie('CalendarFilter'); strCalendarFilter = strCalendarFilter.replace(ModuleInstanceID + '-', ''); SetCookie('CalendarFilter', strCalendarFilter, 365); if (!$('#calendarlist-pnl-specialview').hasClass('ui-helper-hidden')) { LoadEventListView(1, $('#calendar').fullCalendar('getmonth'), $('#calendar').fullCalendar('getyear')); } else { $('#calendar').fullCalendar('refetchEvents'); } } function AddCategoryFilter(EventCategoryMasterID) { $('#categoryfilter-ul-list li[itemid=' + EventCategoryMasterID + ']').remove(); var strCategoryFilter = GetCookie('CategoryFilter'); strCategoryFilter = strCategoryFilter + EventCategoryMasterID + '-'; SetCookie('CategoryFilter', strCategoryFilter, 365); if (!$('#calendarlist-pnl-specialview').hasClass('ui-helper-hidden')) { LoadEventListView(1, $('#calendar').fullCalendar('getmonth'), $('#calendar').fullCalendar('getyear')); } else { $('#calendar').fullCalendar('refetchEvents'); } } function UpdateCalendarFilter(id) { var strCalendarFilter = GetCookie('CalendarFilter'); if ($('#calendarfilter-chk-calendar' + id).is(':checked')) { strCalendarFilter = strCalendarFilter + id + '-'; } else { strCalendarFilter = strCalendarFilter.replace(id + '-', ''); } SetCookie('CalendarFilter', strCalendarFilter, 365); } function LoadCalendarChannelList() { GetContent("" + $('#calendarfilter-hid-siteid').val(), "calendarfilter-pnl-channellist", 2); LoadCalendarSearchList(); } function SelectFilteredCalendars() { var arrValues = GetCookie('CalendarFilter').split('-'); $.each(arrValues, function() { $('#calendarfilter-chk-calendar' + this).attr('checked', true); }); } function LoadCalendarSearchList() { var DomainID = $('#calendarfilter-hid-channelid').val(); if (DomainID == 0) { DomainID = $('#calendarfilter-hid-siteid').val(); } GetContent("" + DomainID + "&ModuleInstanceID=" + "1" + "&SearchFor=" + $('#calendarfilternew-txt-search').val(), "calendarfilter-pnl-results", 2, ''); } function CloseCalendarFilter() { CloseDialogOverlay('WindowLargeModal'); if (!$('#calendarlist-pnl-specialview').hasClass('ui-helper-hidden')) { LoadEventListView(1, $('#calendar').fullCalendar('getmonth'), $('#calendar').fullCalendar('getyear')); } else { $('#calendar').fullCalendar('refetchEvents'); } RefreshCalendarFilter(); } function CloseCategoryFilter() { CloseDialogOverlay('WindowLargeModal'); if (!$('#calendarlist-pnl-specialview').hasClass('ui-helper-hidden')) { LoadEventListView(1, $('#calendar').fullCalendar('getmonth'), $('#calendar').fullCalendar('getyear')); } else { $('#calendar').fullCalendar('refetchEvents'); } RefreshCategoryFilter(); } function SelectFilteredCategories() { var arrValues = GetCookie('CategoryFilter').split('-'); $.each(arrValues, function() { $('#categoryfilter-chk-category' + this).attr('checked', false); }); } function UpdateCategoryFilter(id) { var strCategoryFilter = GetCookie('CategoryFilter'); if ($('#categoryfilter-chk-category' + id).is(':checked')) { strCategoryFilter = strCategoryFilter.replace(id + '-', ''); } else { strCategoryFilter = strCategoryFilter + id + '-'; } SetCookie('CategoryFilter', strCategoryFilter, 365); } function toggleFilters() { if ($("#calendar-filter-wrapper").hasClass("open")) { $("#calendar-filter-wrapper").removeClass("open").addClass("closed"); SlideUpControl('calendar-filter-wrapper'); $("#calendar-pnl-filter-toggle-chevron").attr("src", ""); $("#calendar-pnl-filter-toggle-chevron").attr("alt","Open Customized Calendar View"); $("#calendar-pnl-filter-toggle-chevron").attr("aria-expanded", "false"); } else { $("#calendar-filter-wrapper").removeClass("closed").addClass("open"); SlideDownControl('calendar-filter-wrapper'); $("#calendar-pnl-filter-toggle-chevron").attr("src", ""); $("#calendar-pnl-filter-toggle-chevron").attr("alt", "Close Customized Calendar View"); $("#calendar-pnl-filter-toggle-chevron").attr("aria-expanded", "true"); } } function UpdateCalendarFollow() { var data = "{ModuleInstanceID: 1}"; var success = 'ShowNotification("Success! You are now following this calendar in MyView.");'; //var failure = 'CallControllerFailure(result[0].errormessage);'; var failure = 'ShowNotification(result[0].errormessage);'; CallController("", data, success, failure); } } else { function showHideComments(view) { $("#calendar-pnl-calendarcontainer-1 .app-level-social-commenting")[view === 'event' ? 'hide' : 'show'](); $("#calendar-pnl-calendarcontainer-1 .app-level-social-rating")[view === 'event' ? 'hide' : 'show'](); } $("#calendar-pnl-calendarcontainer-1 .app-level-social-commenting, #calendar-pnl-calendarcontainer-1 .app-level-social-rating").hide(); Bb.WCM.UI.Calendar('1', { attachTo: document.getElementById('calendar-newplaceholder-1'), name: 'District Events Calendar', customized: true, pageID: '2', domainID: '4', isUserLogged: false, showRssBtn: false, GoogleApiKey: 'AIzaSyD0SvOivJCsw4_mxiWCnj7RBd0Kwfh4Wmc'}) .then ( function (cal) { showHideComments(cal.view); cal.on("viewChange", function (view) { showHideComments(view); }); cal.on("interaction", function (category, action, label) { if (!window.AddAnalyticsEvent) { var loadAttempts = 0; var checker = setInterval( function () { loadAttempts++; if (window.AddAnalyticsEvent) { AddAnalyticsEvent(category, action, label); clearInterval(checker); } if (loadAttempts >= 10) { clearInterval(checker); } }, 300); } else { AddAnalyticsEvent(category, action, label); } }); } ); }

    1. A committee of parents, teachers, students, principals, administrators and community members draft and recommend two proposed calendars.
    2. Employees and community members have an opportunity to vote for their preference.
    3. The superintendent reviews the calendars and responses, making a recommendationto the Board of Education.
    4. The Board of Education votes on the calendar recommendation.

    Calendar Requirements

    • 215 Employment Days
      • The entire school calendar is 215 days, including school days, teacher's workdays, annual leave days and holidays.
    • 185 Days of Instruction (1,025 hours)
      • There must be 185 instructional or student days or 1025 instructional hours, which may start no sooner than the Monday closest to August 26 and end no later than the Friday closest to June 11.
    • Teacher Workdays
      • Teacher workdays are included in the calendar and are non-instructional days for students. Workdays may be used for planning or professional development. For more information on workdays, click here to see the CMS Regulation.
    • 11 Holidays
      • Veterans Day must be a holiday; the others are discretionary. July 4 is a 12th holiday for 12-month employees.
    • 10 Annual Leave Days
      • CMS must schedule 10 annual leave (vacation) days for teachers.

  • The committee strives to create calendars that focus on academics and maximize instruction. Breaks are scheduled so that teachers and students have consecutive days off in the winter and spring.

    The committee also considers:

    • Avoiding days when high absenteeism is likely, such as major religious holidays
    • Placing make-up days where they are likely to be needed, and using workdays after June 10 as a last resort
    • Recognizing the need for winter break to be as long as possible
    • Giving consideration to federal holiday
    • Planning the timing of spring break

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools / Calendar (2024)
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Author: Kieth Sipes

Last Updated:

Views: 5610

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (47 voted)

Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.